Nomination Email Sample


This Nomination Email Sample page provides a collection of nomination email templates you can use when recommending someone for an award, honor, or position. These nomination email examples cover various scenarios, from nominating a colleague for a work-related award to recommending a friend for a community service recognition. Feel free to edit and personalize these templates to fit your specific needs and the recipient’s accomplishments.


The Perfect Structure for a Nomination Email Sample

Writing a nomination email is an opportunity to showcase an individual’s exceptional qualities and contributions. Whether you are nominating someone for an award, a job position, or a leadership role, a well-crafted email will increase the nominee’s chances of success. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you structure a powerful nomination email:

1. A Strong Subject Line:

Your subject line sets the tone for your email. Keep it concise, informative, and attention-grabbing. Clearly mention that you are submitting a nomination and briefly state the category or position. For example: “Nomination for XYZ Award” or “推薦信: John Smith for Project Lead”.

2. The Salutation:

Begin your email with a formal salutation. If you know the recipient personally, address them by their name. If not, use a general greeting like “Dear Nomination Committee” or “To Whom It May Concern”.

3. Introduction of the Nominee:

In the first paragraph, formally introduce the nominee. Include their full name, current job title, and company. Briefly mention your relationship with the nominee and why you are qualified to nominate them.

4. Highlight the Nominee’s Achievements:

Dedicate a paragraph or two to highlighting the nominee’s most significant achievements. This could include project successes, awards received, or specific contributions that demonstrate their skills and abilities. Be specific and provide concrete examples.

5. Discuss the Nominee’s Impact:

Go beyond achievements and discuss the impact the nominee has made. Describe how their work has positively influenced their team, company, or industry. Share anecdotes or quotes from colleagues or clients that showcase their impact.

6. Address the Selection Criteria:

Carefully review the nomination criteria and address each point individually. Clearly explain how the nominee meets or exceeds each requirement. Use specific examples to support your claims.

7. Personal Endorsement:

Share your personal endorsement of the nominee. Express your confidence in their abilities and suitability for the award or position. Use strong adjectives to convey your enthusiasm and belief in their potential.

8. Call to Action:

Conclude your email with a call to action. Politely request the recipient to consider the nominee for the award or position. If applicable, provide contact information for the nominee or offer to provide additional information if needed.

9. Express Gratitude:

Thank the recipient for their time and consideration. Express your appreciation for the opportunity to nominate the individual and reiterate your belief in their worthiness.

10. Proofread and Send:

Before hitting the send button, carefully review your email for any errors in grammar, spelling, or formatting. Ensure that all the information you have provided is accurate and relevant. A polished and error-free email reflects well on both the nominee and yourself.

Remember, the goal of a nomination email is to persuade the recipient that the nominee is the best candidate for the award or position. By following this structure and providing compelling evidence of the nominee’s qualifications and impact, you greatly increase their chances of success.

Nomination Email Samples

Nomination Email Sample: Tips and Guidelines

Writing a nomination email can be a daunting task, but by following a few simple tips, you can make the process easier and more effective.


  • Be clear and concise: Keep your email brief and to the point. Clearly state the name of the nominee, the award or recognition they are being nominated for, and the deadline for submitting the nomination.
  • Highlight the nominee’s accomplishments: Provide specific examples of the nominee’s achievements and contributions that make them deserving of the award. Use concrete data and evidence to support your claims.
  • Explain why the nominee is a good fit for the award: Address the specific criteria of the award and explain how the nominee meets or exceeds those requirements. Show how their work aligns with the goals and values of the organization or institution bestowing the award.
  • Demonstrate your enthusiasm: Let your passion for the nominee shine through in your writing. Express your genuine admiration for their accomplishments and your belief in their potential.
  • Proofread carefully: Before sending your email, proofread it thoroughly for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. A polished and error-free email will reflect well on you and the nominee.


  • Don’t ramble: Avoid unnecessary details or tangents that may distract from the main purpose of your email.
  • Don’t make it all about you: Focus on the nominee’s accomplishments and avoid using the email to promote yourself or your own agenda.
  • Don’t be overly emotional: While it’s important to express your enthusiasm, avoid using excessive exclamation points or overly emotional language. Maintain a professional tone throughout the email.
  • Don’t forget to follow up: After submitting your nomination, follow up with the appropriate individuals to ensure that the nomination was received and is being considered.

Sample Nomination Email:

Subject: Nomination for [Award Name] – [Nominee’s Name]
Dear [Recipient Name], I am writing to nominate [Nominee’s Name] for the [Award Name]. [He/She] is a truly exceptional [Profession/Title] who has made significant contributions to [Field/Industry].

[Nominee’s Name] has [Number] years of experience in [Field/Industry] and has consistently demonstrated [His/Her] expertise and dedication. [He/She] is known for [His/Her] innovative and creative approach to [Field of Work], always seeking new and improved ways to achieve results.

One of [Nominee’s Name]’s most notable achievements is [Specific Accomplishment]. This project/initiative had a significant impact on [Organization/Community] and showcased [His/Her] leadership, problem-solving skills, and commitment to excellence.

In addition to [His/Her] professional accomplishments, [Nominee’s Name] is also an active member of the community. [He/She] volunteers [His/Her] time to support [Cause/Organization] and is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.

I believe that [Nominee’s Name] is an ideal candidate for the [Award Name]. [He/She] embodies the qualities that this award recognizes: professionalism, innovation, leadership, and community service. I highly recommend [Him/Her] for this honor.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

FAQs on Nomination Email Sample

What should be included in the email subject line when sending a nomination for an award?

The email subject line should clearly indicate that it is a nomination for an award, including the name of the award and the nominee.

What should be the tone and language used in a Nomination Email Sample?

The tone and language used should be professional, respectful, and flattering to the nominee and the award committee.

What information should be included in the email body when nominating someone for an award?

The email body should include a brief description of the nominee’s achievements, qualifications, and why they are deserving of the award.

What evidence or supporting documents can be included in a Nomination Email Sample to strengthen the nomination?

Supporting evidence or documents can include letters of recommendation, certificates, awards, or a portfolio of the nominee’s work.

Is it necessary to personalize the nomination email when sending it to the award committee?

Yes, it is highly recommended to personalize the email by addressing the award committee members by name, showing that you have taken the time to research and understand the award and its criteria.

How can I ensure the email is properly formatted and free of errors before sending it?

Proofread the email carefully for errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting before sending it to the award committee.

What is the ideal length for a Nomination Email Sample?

Keep the email concise and to the point, focusing on the most relevant information about the nominee and their achievements while adhering to any word or character limits set by the award committee.

In Closing

Well, I guess it’s a wrap on our deep dive into nomination email samples. Hope you found a template that fits your needs and helps you craft a compelling nomination letter. Just remember to keep it personal, specific, and sincere. And don’t forget that a strong nomination can make all the difference in someone’s career.

That’s all for now, folks. Thanks for reading! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to drop me a line. And be sure to check back later for fresh content on this and other interesting topics. Take care!